Are walk-ins accepted?
Appointments only are accepted
Appointments only are accepted
How can I make an appointment?
You may make an appointment from the booking website (link on home page).
You may make an appointment from the booking website (link on home page).
Online booking is asking to leave a card number, why is that?
A card number is needed to book an appointment for our No-Show/Cancellation Policy (see in "services" tab). Your card number is safe, and can not be seen by anyone other than you. You will never be charged for your services in advanced.
A card number is needed to book an appointment for our No-Show/Cancellation Policy (see in "services" tab). Your card number is safe, and can not be seen by anyone other than you. You will never be charged for your services in advanced.
How do I know what to book my appointment for?
If you are unsure of what exactly what to book for online, contacting Tiffany will help to narrow it down
If you are unsure of what exactly what to book for online, contacting Tiffany will help to narrow it down
Is there a cancellation/late fee?
Cancellations made less than 72 hours before your appointment will be charged 50% of what you were scheduled for. No call/no show appointments will be charged 100% of what your appointment was scheduled for. If you are 10 or more minutes late to your appointment, a charge of $20 will be added to your bill. If you are 20 or more minutes late to your appointment, you will be considered a no show and charged 100% of your scheduled service.
Cancellations made less than 72 hours before your appointment will be charged 50% of what you were scheduled for. No call/no show appointments will be charged 100% of what your appointment was scheduled for. If you are 10 or more minutes late to your appointment, a charge of $20 will be added to your bill. If you are 20 or more minutes late to your appointment, you will be considered a no show and charged 100% of your scheduled service.
What brand of color do you use?
TDA Hair and Makeup is a Redken Salon.
TDA Hair and Makeup is a Redken Salon.
Should I wash my hair before my color service?
You should come in with clean hair. Bur, do not wash your hair immediately before your color service. You do not want to open the pores on your scalp; which will cause possible irritation to the scalp.
You should come in with clean hair. Bur, do not wash your hair immediately before your color service. You do not want to open the pores on your scalp; which will cause possible irritation to the scalp.
Do you accept credit cards?
All major credit cards are accepted
All major credit cards are accepted
How do I purchase product recommended during my appointment?
You may purchase available product in the salon. You may also go to the home page and tap "PURCHASE AT HOME PRODUCT HERE".
You may purchase available product in the salon. You may also go to the home page and tap "PURCHASE AT HOME PRODUCT HERE".